Update on Caring for the Homeless in Akron
This has been a busy season for Hope Farm, Inc. We are witnessing a significant increase in the poor and homeless population.
On Mondays Hope Farm has increased our sack lunch distribution to 80, from about 45 this time last year. We also collaborate with Middlebury Chapel for a community meal on Wednesday evening and the numbers there are consistently over 100 (up from about 60 this time last year). The need is greater than we have seen it in a long time.
Regarding substance abuse, heroin is no longer as prevalent as in the past. We are witnessing an increase in fentanyl. The addicts actually want to use this drug. Previously it was and still is "hidden" in other drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine and even marijuana. Now it is the drug of choice for many. Overdose is common. While Narcan is available, it seems as though more of it is needed.
To most people the chaos and insanity of what we witness on a weekly basis would seem difficult to understand. Most recently we heard a story of one young person trafficked at a very early age, then forced at 18 to live on the streets. When we learn the stories of abuse, abandonment and radical dysfunction, we understand and have more energy to keep moving forward helping one precious soul at a time.
God has blessed Hope Farm with such a unique opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank you for your prayer support and please consider contacting us for other ways to serve and give.