Simple Solutions ?
As I make my way around east Akron, Ohio each Monday afternoon distributing sack lunches to the homeless I am stunned at the progression we are seeing. So many more people week after week. They are new faces, sad faces, dirty faces, strung out faces, addicted faces, desperate faces, abused and traumatized faces. You know what though, they all desire the same thing I believe. To be seen, heard, valued and cared for. It is such a tragic, complex situation to engage with souls in such desperate need. Especially now as another cold season is approaching.
There are two examples of systemic failure that I have been witnessing this summer both of which will end horribly for the former “housed”. Example number one a kind soul, an advocate for social justice permitted the folks we serve to “live” in a house he owns. The second an eight unit new structure which was intended to house the homeless.
I am not going to go into detail about either one of these properties as I believe although completely different in origin, the motivation to house the homeless was always good. However, both complete disasters.
This quote from the founder of Permaculture Farming Bill Mollison. “ Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple,” is a great quote to ponder.
For me the solution to homelessness is about relationships and community. It’s simple, its dirty, it’s hard, its exhausting, it requires giving of ourselves. When I reflect on the words from the book of Isaiah chapter 58 and verse 7, I know God has the Best plan.
“ Share your Food with the Hungry, Give Shelter to the Homeless, Give Clothing to those in need.” The job of caring for these beautiful faces we see every week is not a job for the Federal Government its the job of the church.
With God’s leading and provision we press on.