Mothers Day, Fathers Day, and Homeless Heartbreak
The reality is that we definitely have common life experiences. I understand the lack of bonding that occurs in the life of the addicted brain. Addiction controls us in such a way that we are all about ourselves, what we want, what we need, and how we are going to get it. In my opinion, this mindset is not something that can be corrected apart from divine intervention. For myself it drives me to visit my friends on the streets and who live in the woods, to take them food and supplies. God saved me from myself and the very least I can do is share His love with others.
Nomadland and Understanding Houseless Living
Recently, I viewed the the movie, Nomadland. It was somber, relatable must see. One quote that is especially true for us and for our houseless friends: "There are no final goodbyes, just I'll see you down the road. And I do, I see them down the road." Fern could be any of us. Her life dramatically changed when she lost her husband. So, she chose to live the life of a Nomad.
Helping the Homeless
Last week some friends of Hope Farm were on vacation in Florida. While there, they observed a homeless man who was clearly in need of some help. They contacted me to ask questions about how to help him. Providing assistance to a person in need, especially someone you don’t know in a town with which you are unfamiliar provides a unique set of challenges and opportunities. We thought it would be a great opportunity to share practical thoughts and ideas about homeless care with our readers.
Faith vs Fear
The words “Fear” and “Faith” have dominated my thoughts and my world lately. I see such stark contrast between the two. In this post, our director, Georgann talks about the contrast between faith and fear in both the homeless friends we minister to and the daily life of so many Americans.
February for our Homeless Friends
February in Northeast Ohio is typically long, dark and very difficult for a wide range of people living under the bitter cold. Our homeless friends were especially affected this year with the bitter cold temperatures mid month. Sadly, a few of our friends passed on this winter. Here’s a quick update for you as you pray and support. Thank you for supporting homeless ministry in Akron and beyond
Emergency Shelter Thursday and Friday Night
We just got confirmation to open an emergency overnight shelter on Thursday and Friday nights starting this week. The shelter is at 111 East Voris St. Akron, OH (next to CSS).
Please contact our director, Georgann at 330-840-9120 if you are in need of a bus pass to get to the shelter.
Shelter Listings
If you are like most caring people, you’ve been in this situation. It’s cold or raining, and you see a person in need. They may be on the corner or in a makeshift camp by the road. Maybe they called your church asking for help. Their situation is serious, but your resources are limited. What do you do?
Stories From Our Friends: Trauma, Addiction, and Loss
Warning: This post includes accounts of traumatic events related to sexual trauma and addiction.
Last night at our Wednesday night community meal I was blessed to chat with some friends at one of the tables. Our friend J came in upset because yet again people from a nearby camp stole some of his things, as he was moving to another location in an abandoned house. He could only carry some of his stuff, intending to come back for the rest, a lot was stolen and he knows who stole it and would like to take justice in his own hands (not a good idea). We talked and hopefully he will move on figuratively and literally.
Cold Weather and Caring for the Homeless
Cold weather is particularly dangerous for the homeless population in Akron, OH. Shelters are a big help this time of year, but space is always limited. With economic crises and decreased employment, this could be a particularly busy year for shelters. So, what can you do to help? We show you how in this article. Thanks again for all of your support! We couldn’t do this work without you!